Thursday, 30 October 2014

Unicorndia, The Final Land

How mankind conducts itself sometimes is really disheartening. Different people recognise different things as bad, but regardless how complex these things seem, they somehow link to the evilest thing of all, power.

Now before you start calling me a Marxist, I neither agree nor disagree with Marx, but I do sympathise with him on many issues. The problem discussing Marx with people in this post Cold War era is that the everyman's perception of Marxism is too shallow and narrow. Marxism is not communism, nor socialism; yes it has inspired many (misguided) world changing movements that resulted in mostly shitty lives for many, but I feel Marx is right about one thing, power. Specifically, the need to dissolve power.

Imagine Unicorndia, the final land we can reach (I will argue that we will reach it, but that'll be saved for later) if we learnt how to treat each other courteously. People recognise the futility of violence, arguments, wars, mental and physical torture of each other, and instead find the answer to life in helping and thinking for another. I disagree with Marx that an utopia can be created through violence; power relations have to be broken down in order for mankind to reach Unicorndia, but it will come to us slowly, subtlely, and we will not know when it hit us. Unicorndia cannot be a community that is created consciously.

We will reach Unicorndia, therefore, by just carrying on with life with it is now. Our only way to achieve Unicorndia is through a "Generation Revolution": one generation of mankind will become closer to Unicorndia than the previous, and eventually we will pass an individual indicator and progressed into the final land. I argued previously that this process cannot be conscious, but can anything at all be done at all? Yes. Should anything be done at all? Yes. Must anything be done at all? Yes. Considering how our world is like now, we will need to set it in motion to move itself towards the final land. And the reason is the problem with education.

Education in itself is a problematic concept. People are taught to know things through educators following a curriculum set by the edcational system. For anyone to teach anybody anything, the educator must be God. Because only a 'God' cannot err, cannot be wrong, and is unconfused about what they are saying. He will have considered everything before he makes a decision to say any word, to imply any meaning. I am not saying that our educations are not good, I am saying that educators shouldn't even be a thing. Education in this age is nothing more than a stupid erring human providing another stupid erring human with answers - this power relation that exists between an educator and their student now needs to be torn down to make way for 'learning'. Schools should still exist, but only to act as a venue for thought. Everyone thinks, everyone shares, everyone discuss then come to different conclusionS.

The only merit of mankind that remains today is our ability to evolve. And whether we can evolve physically to make the world a better place is really something not for me to speculate. I do strongly believe, however, that if we get everyone thinking about humanity, we will eventually come to a conclusion that there is need for people to relate to one another. Every form of relationship that involves power has to be broken down: a governor and the people, a father and his son, a boss with his employees... and so on. Do I mean I think everything the world has now is problematic? More or less.

There are many many issues that this short blogpost cannot discuss and also I will need to lament on them further because this idea is far from complete, below are some that are still work in progress:

1. How can thinking be taught?

2. What will Unicorndia be like exactly?

3. The last section on power relations seems rushed and blasphemous, can you discuss more on it?

4. So how do we reach Unicorndia when everyone thinking comes to different conclusions?

I will think more about it and write when I am free. In the mean time, I'll try to treat people more courteously and see how it goes.

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